

The Mentalist Season 1

曾獲金球獎提名的賽門?巴克在《超感警探》中飾主角Patrick Jane,一名加利福尼亞調查局(CBI)的獨立顧問。他憑借自己洞察秋毫的觀察力解決疑難懸案,有著非凡的破案記錄。在調查局中,Jane缺乏紀律性的辦事作風和他過去作為心理學專家的“半名人”身分人人皆知──他如今也承認以前自詡擁有超能力不過是釣名欺世罷了。但在破獲一系列有名的難案期間,Jane無疑是他的特工同事們的製勝法寶。然而,嚴肅刻板的高級特工Teresa Lisbon一方面鄙夷Jane的做作、自戀和危險的混淆公私,公開反對他加入自己的團隊,一方面又不得不承認Jane大有用處。Lisbon的團隊由Kimball Cho, Wayne Rigsby 和新手Grace Van Pelt組成,他們一致認為Jane是個危險品,但又欽佩他參破案件關竅的才智和魅力。


飾Patrick Jane
2000年他在瓦爾?基爾默 、凱瑞-安?莫斯 、班傑明?布拉特主演的《紅色星球》中出演一名太空人;在2001年開播的三季電視劇《法外情真》中擔任男1號;同年還在《項鍊事件》中露面。巴克在喬治?A?羅梅羅的新片《喪尸之地》中扮演一位無私奉獻的英雄。

Simon Baker
as Patrick Jane

BiographySimon Baker was first recognized in 1992, when he received Australia's prestigious Logie award for Most Popular New Talent. Upon relocating to Los Angeles with his family, Baker was immediately cast in the Academy Award winning film L.A. Confidential (1997).
In 2000 he played an astronaut in Red Planet with Val Kilmer, Carrie Anne Moss and Benjamin Bratt. He played the male lead in the television series The Guardian for three seasons beginning in 2001, and also appeared in The Affair of the Necklace in 2001. He played an altruistic hero in George A. Romero's Land of the Dead.
His birth date is July 30.

Robin Tunneyas Teresa Lisbon

飾Teresa Lisbon
演員小傳︰羅賓?唐妮在芝加哥文科學院學習作秀,假期時間曾在《巴士站》《上帝的女兒》等劇中扮演角色。她十八歲時搬到了洛杉磯,很快參演了諸如《生生不息》(1989)《96級》(1993,重拍)《法律與秩序》(1996) HBO出品的《Dream On》(1990) 以及ABC出品的迷你劇集《甘迺迪︰激情年代》(1993) 中的《Kit Kennedy》。電影《魔女遊戲》是唐妮演繹過眾多配角之后首次主演的作品。
BiographyRobin Tunney studied acting at the Chicago Academy for the Arts, spending her summer performing in such plays as "Bus Stop" and "Agnes of God". She moved to Los Angeles at the age of eighteen and shortly landed roles in such television shows as "Life Goes On" (1989), "Class of '96" (1993) (recurring), "Law & Order" (1990), HBO's "Dream On" (1990) and the ABC mini-series J.F.K.: Reckless Youth (1993) (TV), in which she played "Kit Kennedy". The Craft (1996) was Tunney's first film lead though she has appeared in many supporting roles.
Her birth date is June 19.
